Home : Website Security

Website Security

Your data is secure. Our website prefix is HTTPS, which means encrypted and secure. Our website is PCI compliant. We use 256-bit encryption by GeoTrust SSL combined with secure payments through authorize.net or PayPal.

Best protection against credit card theft is to simply not save it in our shop, or on files, or on documents.

If you pay by credit card using the Authorize.net payment gateway, that system is one of the most secure payment systems in the world. We see only the last 4 digits of your card on that system. Your 3 digit code is validated in the payment gateway and we never see that code either.

If you select PayPal to make a payment, PayPal has its own security and it is one of the most secure payment systems in the world. We cannot see any part of your credit card number in that system.

PCI Compliant SIte Verified by Trustwave