Liquid Force Wakesurf Edge Mega Wave 2022 boosts your boats surfing wave. The Liquid Force Wake Surf Edge is a wave shape device that mounts on below the waterline on the side of our boat to create better waves for wakesurfing. It is made from super durable non-corrosive material and has strong suction cup attachments that will not damage gel coat or leave markings on your boat. The Liquid Force Wake Surf Edge will make a small wake bigger and transform a big wake into a Tsunami! The Wakesurf edge helps you get the best surf performance from your boat. It's adjustable design lets you decide! Shift the Wakesurf Edge location on the fly to create deeper pockets or a longer wake face with more push. New boat or old, the wake surf edge will increase your wake and boost your wake surfing fun!
Liquid Force Wakesurf Edge Mega Wave 2022 features:
- HUGE Water Displacement Wing for Maximum Wave Height! The LARGEST Wake Shaper Face (14" x 18" = 252sq")
- Patented Concave Water Channelling Wing
- Super Strong Suction Cups!
- Made with Rust-free Materials and FLOATS!
- Recommended for Boats 21' or Longer, Have a 325hp Engine or Greater, and Sumo Water Ballast System
- Level Load Boat for Nose Down Visibility and a Long Wake
- Do NOT Tether Shaper to Vessel
UPC 013576469485